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Re: [jboske] 3rd version of gadri system (3rd ExSol)

la djan cusku di'e

> then the situation is that 3/4XS covers
> everything you want to be able to say, but at the price of
> exploiting the redundant lo/loi contrast in SL in order to be
> able to also speak of Kinds.

I deny that it is redundant except in special cases of place structure

SL: (su'o) lo (ro) broda     4XS: su'o (loi pa) broda
SL:  ro (lo ro) broda        4XS: ro (loi pa) broda
SL: (pisu'o) loi (ro) broda  4XS: loi su'o broda
SL:  piro loi (ro) broda     4XS: loi ro broda

How is the lo/loi contrast not redundant? What else does it cover?

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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