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RE: [jboske] RE: What is a lojbanmass? Quantification

> And:
> xorxes:
> >You are wanting a notion of 'bit' not as arbitrarily delimited
> >(whereby "pimu" means "1 in every 2 arbitrarily but equally
> >delimited and sized bits of") but as having properties such
> >as spatial integrity. I think that whole fractions -- that is,
> >parts that have integrity -- must be done by selbri 
> That's a spisa in my terminology; but that's what I have {lo} + 
> Substance do: lo djacu = a water 

Do you have a short form for {lo pi mu si'e be}?

> >By "a large bit of", you must mean "a proportionally-large
> >bit of", right? Otherwise it would just be "poi brada" 
> >But you want fractions that can, as it were, be derived
> >by a single knife stroke. So to get what you want, we need
> >a way to say "x1 is a spatial whole consisting of x arb-bits 
> >in every y of the whole substance of x2". Perhaps some sort
> >of LAhE? That is, LAhE + fraction + broda? The LAhE would
> >treat the fraction as a whole (not, of course, a whole
> >broda). I don't think a collectivizer on its own is
> >enough to do this; you need a collectivizer that collectively
> >has the property of being whole. What about "lu'a pi so'i"?
> But that is just {le djacu}, right? As in, pa lo piso'a lei djacu, 
> which is in turn a kind of pa lo piso'a loi pa lo pisu'o loi djacu 
> --- take some water; take a piece of that (individual, spisa) --- 
> take most of its substance --- make a piece out of that.. 

Assuming (in accordance with KS but perhaps not CLL) that lo
forces a countable interpretation, then we are dealing with
{lo pi so'i si'e be piro loi djacu}. There's not necessarily
any specificity in there, so no call for le/lei. So in KS,
perhaps {lo pi so'i loi djacu} or {lo piso'i loi pisu'o lo
djacu}, as you say.

*However*, lo would guarantee countability, not outright wholeness,
so to encode the wholeness then some other device is required.
