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RE: [jboske] Link on (Intensional) Masses

quick reply to Nick:
> [I swear to God I did not read this footnote before I said "half the
> water is a
> Kind." I *think* he's saying "Water is a Kind, and as such does not admit any
> extensional definition." In particular, looking for concrete bits of water in
> possible worlds isn't going to cut it: the reference is rather more
> generic than
> that
> I think he's right
> I think this is our solution. In which case, it's no coincidence that
> both And's
> Substance-Not-Just-Bits-of-Substance and my current Kind are quantified by
> tu'o. They *are* the same thing.]

My answer to that is that I can say {da poi -is-Nick} or {da poi
-is-gold} (is that which is Nick, is that which is gold), where
da is a bit of spacetime -- what I take to be an extensional thing.
{da poi -is-xodium} would yield false.

What I'm talking about is an extensional thing that is simply a
realization of a Kind. So yes, the quantification is the same,
but one claims a world-specific existence and the other doesn't.
