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RE: [jboske] 3rd version of gadri system (3rd ExSol)

la and cusku di'e

Phew! It would be very dispiriting if it had not received your

Thanks! :)

It might be useful to separate the ExSol in two parts:
The Kind-part (lo) and the Jbomass-part (loi).

The Kind-part may not be fully compatible with SL, but it
may turn out that it is compatible with more usage than SL is.

The Jbomass part I believe is almost fully compatible with
SL, plus it incorporates some useful stuff that SL lacks.

SL {piPA loi ro broda} == 3rdExSol {piPA loi ro broda}
SL {loi ro broda} (collective) == 3rdExSol {loi ro broda}
SL {loi broda} (substance) == 3rdExSol {loi tu'o broda}
SL {PA broda} == 3rdExSol {PA broda}

Those are fully compatible. The only difference would be
that 3rdExSol adds some forms that are not used in SL,
namely: {loi PA broda} when PA is not {ro}, which in
SL would be interpreted as a cardinality of the whole set
and in 3rdExSol it is the cardinality of a collective which
need not be the whole set. (This permits us to make sense
of {PA loi PA broda} as quantification over collectives.)

So the Jbomass-part of 3rd ExSol is practically
identical to SL.

The Kind-part can be discussed separately, but it should
be noted that everything covered by {lo} in SL is already
taken care of by the Jbomass-part of 3rdExSol.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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