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Nick: > lo remna is an individual of humanity Can I suggest we follow a practise of putting prescribed-default quantifiers in () and inserting all quantifiers that would have to be glorked if omitted. That would help me tell whether you mean {lo remna} is an individual of humanity or {pa lo ro remna} (or even {pa lo pa remna}) is an indiv of humanity. > lo rismi is an individual quantity of the mass of rice: > = lo pisu'o loi tu'o rismi > > remna is being treated as inherently-individual > rismi is being treated as inherently-substance [...] > If this is heading towards saying that loi djacu and lo djacu are > both potential referents of da poi djacu, and *that* is why lo djacu > != da poi djacu, then I guess I can live with that. The metalanguage > of CLL is still stuck in an atomist universe, isn't it? I had never assumed it was stuck in an atomist universe. > ---- > > Now I don't know who I'm disagreeing with... You and I seem to be converging. We roughly agree that inner ro forces a countable interpretation and that inner tu'o forces an uncountable interpretation. We agree that this potentially makes the lo/loi contrast redundant, but we don't yet agree on how to reconcile this with the fact that SL wants to use lo/loi to mark countability. We roughly agree that {da poi broda} is neutral between {LO(I) tu'o broda} and {LO(I) ro broda}. If {lo} forces a countable interpretation than {lo} can't be equivalent to {da poi}. If {lo} doesn't force a countable interpretation then it can be equivalent to {da poi}. One problem that I see is that in {le/lo pisu'o loi tu'o rismi} and {le/lo pisu'o lo ro remna}, le/lo is trying to do two orthogonal things at once. On the one hand it is trying to indicate +/-specific. On the other hand, it seems -- in your scheme -- to also be trying to mark countability. It can't do both at the same time. You might say that it does do both at the same time, because lo/le do countables and loi/lei do uncountables, but in that case {pisu'o loi tu'o rismi} needs to be read as {loi pisu'o loi tu'o rismi}. In 3rd ExSol a single countable amount of rice is {lo/le pa rismi}. {lo/le pisu'o lo tu'o rismu} is a +/-specific uncountable fraction of the mass of all rice -- but the uncountability comes from the vague number su'o, and {lo/le pici lo tu'o rismu} is a +/-specific third of the mass of all rice. IOW, {lo/le pisu'o} is neutral wrt countability and making the distinction would involve {lo/le pa vei ci si'e be lo tu'o rismi} versus {lo/le tu'o vei ci si'e be lo tu'o rismi} (I'm guessing that vei is what is needed here -- correct it as necessary). --And.