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RE: [jboske] Nick on propositionalism &c. (was: RE: Digest Number 134

la and cusku di'e

> "Default" means "first guess" not "actual meaning"

That's what "default" means to you. It's not what it currently means
in Lojban. But I am not unsympathetic to the BF deciding to change
the prescription to reflect your understanding, and deleting the
defaults from the prescription.

I am more and more sympathetic to that idea as well. I think
that without an implicit quantifier, we would naturally fall
into the Kind interpretation of bare {lo}.

> Huh?  "pa lo re si'e means nothing to me, since I have trouble
> contemplating a si'e greater than 1

Read the ma'oste (entry for si'e) and you will understand. In learning
Lojban it is important that you should read the ma'oste.

The ma'oste defines {<n> si'e} as "one <n>th", and CLL repeats
this definition, but I suspect the intention was for <n> to
be the fraction rather than the denominator. The BF should
clarify this.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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