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Re: [jboske] Nick on propositionalism &c. (was: RE: Digest Number 134

At 02:48 PM 12/28/02 +0000, And Rosta wrote:
> >   This solution is not always satisfactory, though. Consider:
> >
> >   This branch has the shape of three intertwined snakes
> >
> > It is not enough to say there are in some world three snakes
> > that have the shape of this branch. That statement would presumably
> > be true whatever the shape of the branch
> Eh?
> You gotta mold the snakes into the shape you want in some world or
> over.
> I simply cannot see the problem with:
> su'o da poi munje ku'o
> ci de poi since
>       zi'e poi da vasru de
> zo'u:
>       le ti tricyspi tarmi simsa
>       lu'o ci de poi gunma torni [vi da]

The problem is that virtually any shape is the shape of some three
snakes in some imaginary world. I don't deny that Grice can come
to the rescue somehow, but He needs to be given a helping hand by
what we actually say.

lo'ese'o since cimei
should mean the snake-threesome typicality that I internally generate.

I also wonder whether simlu would be better than simsa - and simlu should be defined so that it is clearly understood that the resembled need not be a real thing.

I suspect that one original motivation for si'o pertained to this sort of problem, but I can't quickly figure how to apply it here, and I'm running low on time.

> Gricean salvator again. Don't read in any implicit quantifier where it
> makes no sense. And do no such reasoning, unless you insert all
> explicit quantifiers: {loi} by itself has no meaning, unless it's
> quantified

{loi} = {pisu'o loi} & means "pisu'o loi"
{piroloi} means "piro loi" = "loi"

Where is the latter? loi should have a default quantifier of su'o in CLL. There seems to be disagreement as to what it should be for lei.

{loi} ambiguous between {pisu'oloi}, "pisu'oloi", and {piroloi}, "loi".

You are deviating from CLL. If CLL is to be changed here, better to
make bare {loi} mean "loi" (= "piroloi").

That would change the default quantifier.


lojbab                                             lojbab@hidden.email
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA                    703-385-0273
Artificial language Loglan/Lojban:                 http://www.lojban.org