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Re: [jboske] propositionalism redux

On Thu, 26 Dec 2002, And Rosta wrote:

> The second reason is that they don't allow us to
> distinguish "For every x there is some world w such that in w
> x is broda" and "There is some world w and for every x that in
> w is broda". For example, "For every Danish mermaid, I will
> write a poem about her", normally wouldn't mean I will write
> an infinite number of poems, one for every imaginable Danish
> mermaid.

roda de zo'u ma'i de da broda
de roda zo'u ma'i de da broda

>   This is the colour of bananas.
>   This is banana-coloured.
>   This is banana-shaped.
>   This resembles a phoenix egg.
>   This is phoenix-egg-like.

I think you want the universal grinder here, which churns out...lo tu'o
badna? In any case, it is what was once accomplished with lo'e/le'e.

// if (!terrorist)
// ignore ();
// else
collect_data ();