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RE: [jboske] big rethink on Unique and other gadri

la and cusku di'e

> >1a is the meaning expressed by lo/le/la in Standard Lojban
> >1b is the meaning expressed by pisu'oloi in SL
> >1c is one of the meanings Unique was meant to capture
> >1d is the meaning expressed by (tu'o)lo(tu'o) in Excellent
> >    Solution. According to some it is expressed by SL loi/lei/lai

Returning to an earlier discussion of ours, is there a distinction
between "I touched Nick" and "I touched the whole of Nick"? I'm
not sure, because you have shown me that the 'opposite' of
"I touched (some) part of Nick, I touched some of Nick" is "I
touched every bit of Nick".

At least if we use {pencu}, it can't make a difference whether
we use {la nitcion} or {piro la nitcion} in x2, because it is
in x3 that we specify where he is touched.

If it is generally the case that {piroX}
= {X}, then yes, 1d would be {piroloi}, assuming of course that SL
accepts that {piro X} = {X} and not "every portion of X".

It would be good to have that clarified, but that seems to be
what is consistent with CLL. Similarly {piso'i} is "a large
portion" and not "many portions".

I think
I am persuaded by you that piroX=X, though I am still not persuaded
that piQ is not mabla.

I don't know whether or not it is mabla, but I do think it has not
been sufficiently explored yet.

> Very persuasive examples. Some of them might be kludged with
> {lo'ei}:
> >He's looking for every Danish mermaid
>    ko'a buska lo'ei danko fipni'u romei

I thought it was "danmo".

{danmo} means "smoke".

Would it work if you added "so
he can photograph her"? I think not.

i semu'ibo ko'a kacma terxra ro lu'a ri

What would happen with the {troci le du'u facki} periphrasis?

ko'a troci le du'u facki ro da poi danko fipni'u
i semu'ibo ko'a kacma terxra ro da

The motivation is for the trying, not for the discovering,
so it can't be inside {le du'u}, but the scope of the
first {ro da} can't be extended outside {ledu'u}.
The second sentence is possibly vacuous, but that
should not be a problem. He tries to find them all
so that he can fotograph each of them.

Something does smell fishy though.

> >He's looking for the mermaid who is the loveliest
>    ko'a buska lo'e traji be le ka melbi bei lo'i fipni'u

I'm not sure which lo'e this is! I don't think it is
"the countable (broda-shaped) jbomass of the loveliest
mermaid", because that has existential import, pe'i.

I meant to keep using {lo'ei}, sorry.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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