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On Tue, Dec 24, 2002 at 11:42:24PM +1100, Nick Nicholas wrote: > The word order coup that Bob asks about is the realisation that > > ro lo mikce cu tavla pa lo prenu > > is different from > > pa lo prenu cu se tavla ro lo mikce > > because their intrinsic prenexes are different: AxEy vs. EyAx Bah. Calling this a 'coup' is a bit dramatic, xod. This has been sitting in CLL chapter16 written in plain english for you to read for the past 4 years or however long you said. > xod and Robin had assumed that se-conversion is always always always > meaning-preserving, so the second sentence would still mean each doctor > talks to a person (not necessarily the same). xod found this painful > enough, I gather, that he now thinks he might as well relearn all of > Lojban. > > If you disagree on this take on how prenexes work, please, let's not > get into that right now. -- Jordan DeLong - fracture@hidden.email lu zo'o loi censa bakni cu terzba le zaltapla poi xagrai li'u sei la mark. tuen. cusku
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