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The word order coup that Bob asks about is the realisation that ro lo mikce cu tavla pa lo prenu is different from pa lo prenu cu se tavla ro lo mikce because their intrinsic prenexes are different: AxEy vs. EyAxxod and Robin had assumed that se-conversion is always always always meaning-preserving, so the second sentence would still mean each doctor talks to a person (not necessarily the same). xod found this painful enough, I gather, that he now thinks he might as well relearn all of Lojban.
If you disagree on this take on how prenexes work, please, let's not get into that right now.
-- Edarh oni oroumene NICK NICHOLAS PhD, French/Italian, kouraste na mpa"inei, University of Melbourne, Australia apo ton kosmo entenh nickn@hidden.email tsi naxei na orinei? http://www.opoudjis.net --- Dhmhtzh Xouph, _O gerou-Kwstagkh_ (Tsakwniko poihma)