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RE: [jboske] Re: Collective and Substance

> cu'u la .and 
> >None of the below is intended to imply a revision to the taxonomy
> >of gadri types that the discussion has agreed on 
> Or not... 
> Having relapsed into fundamentalism, I go into this with the proviso 
> that boundaries can be extrinsic (re lo djacu), and culture-specific, 
> and Lojban by definition allows all things to  be bounded or 
> unbounded 

If you can count them then the boundaries are intrinsic. (If someone
says "I see forests", they're using intrinsic boundaries (else they'd
not be able to count them). Tricker for the lojban user would be the
difference between "I see a forest" and "I see forest".)

> >   * may or may not have intrinsic boundaries (but a group of a definite
> >     number of members does have intrinsic boundaries)
> >[Hence a MOI brivla for Collective would be compatible with both
> >a Substance gadri and a non-Substance gadri.]
> *shrug*
> This-all is cool, but backward compatibility means you can switch off 
> intrinsic boundaries, and talk in terms of extrinsic boundaries, or 
> ignore all boundaries 

We agree that intrinsic boundaries can be added or ignored. I suspect
there is some sort of terminogical confusion over 'intrinsic', but
I'm sure that we both agree that we're talking about countability.
