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RE: [jboske] mei, latest cause celebre

> cu'u la djordan 
> >On Mon, Dec 23, 2002 at 02:20:59AM +1100, Nick Nicholas wrote:
> >>  My contention that {mei} means 'collective' should be easily proven by
> >>  usage, btw 
> >>
> >>  Does anyone ever use {remei} when {pamei} would also be true? If so,
> >>  mass. If not, collective 
> >Yes. If "pamei" is true, you can always take another X and say
> >"remei", "cimei", etc 
> Please expand. So you're saying that, in scenario B --- where John 
> lifts the piano and James doesn't,
> lo pamei be lo'i nanmu cu bevri le pipno
> lo remei be lo'i nanmu cu bevri le pipno
> or? Because, if a twosome is a lojbanmass, then everything sayable of 
> the onesome is sayable of the twosome. If John is blond and James is 
> brunet, then the mass {John, James} is blond, and is brunet 

I think this is so.
> True, that is intrinsic to lojbanmass. I wish to suggest that (a) 
> what's true of lojbanmass (which I think of as substance, but 
> whatever) is not true of collective; (b) that we've told people stuff 
> about collectives which is actually true of lojbanmasses; 

In another message I'm sending out, I suggest that a lojbanmass
is "substance or collective", which makes sense of CLL, I think.

> (c) that 
> collectives deserve their own unambiguous way of expression; (d) that 
> as much as possible, it should be using existing stuff in the 
> language 
> As you have pointed out (and I'm a dolt for not realising it myself), 
> the collective is done in Lojban by {jo'u}. All I'm saying is, if da 
> ..e de make up individuals, and da joi de make up masses, then da jo'u 
> de make up a collective. And if individuals get the gadri lo, and 
> masses get the gadri loi, then collectives should get something. And 
> would give them lu'oi; he may yet get it, but I think it less 
> disruptive if they get lo romei be lo'i 

"*lo" romei" forces a countable interpretation on romei. Which is not
wrong, but we need a way to treat it as Substance too. And we don't
have that yet. "loi romei be lo'i broda" = "loi broda", fundamentistically.

> Jordan, I'm going to badger you in this, but I feel I must. I place 
> before you four scenarios: John not James, John and James separately, 
> John and James together, pieces of John and James. Here they are 
> again. Please tell me if you think your understanding of lojbanmasses 
> and gadri is violated in what follows. If you insist that mei is a 
> lojbanmass and not a collective, please tell me how to disambiguate 
> the collective from the lojbanmass 

[my answer: if X is a collective then X is a lojbanmass; the way to
disambuate is that not every lojbanmass is a collective, since
lojbanmass includes Substance also.]

> (I reiterate that, if remei is mass and not collective, it cannot 
> work: if {lo remna remei} is a lojbanmass, it is true even if bits of 
> John and bits of James do the lifting, or at the least if John and 
> not James do it. So in the following, {lo remei be lo'i remna} must 
> behave exactly like {lei re remna}, if {remei} is a mass. If you say 
> it is, then I concede, {remei} is mass to you, and there is no 
> disambiguation. If you accept my usage of {remei} below, as you hint 
> by using {remei} as a collective disambiguation, then I deem you to 
> be using {remei} as a collective, and we can haggle on the name.)
> A: John not James
> le re nanmu na bevri

true (with CLL na scope rule)

> lei re nanmu ja'a bevri


> le remei be lo'i nanmu na bevri


> naku ge la djan. gi la djeimyz. bevri
> la djan. joi la djeumyz. ja'a bevri
> la djan jo'u la djeimyz. na bevri

> B: John and James separately
> le re nanmu ja'a bevri


> lei re nanmu ja'a bevri


> le remei be lo'i nanmu na bevri


> ge la djan. gi la djeimyz. bevri
> la djan. joi la djeumyz. ja'a bevri
> la djan jo'u la djeimyz. na bevri


> C: John and James together
> le re nanmu na bevri


> lei re nanmu ja'a bevri


> le remei be lo'i nanmu ja'a bevri


> naku ge la djan. gi la djeimyz bevri
> la djan. joi la djeumyz. ja'a bevri
> la djan jo'u la djeimyz. ja'a bevri


> D: John's and James' severed legs
> le re nanmu na bevri


> lei re nanmu ja'a bevri


> le remei be lo'i nanmu na bevri


> naku ge la djan. gi la djeimyz bevri
> la djan. joi la djeumyz. ja'a bevri
> la djan jo'u la djeimyz. na bevri


> Meta-note: it's been a long week in jboskistan: I started recoiling 
> in horror at And saying loi was not a mass, and doubly so at Jorge 
> bringing up that you can't marry the Beatles. Wierdly enough, now I 
> agree with them 

Just to be clear, in this message I am accepting for the sake of
argument, that everything that CLL says is a lojbanmass is a lojbanmass,
and trying to make sense of it accordingly.

The solution I actually favour is that favoured by xorxes and xod:
that loi/lei be Collective. But I am ignoring this in this message.

> This is where I think Nora was heading with talk of piano carriers 
> and piano carrying supervisor. But I think this is humongously 
> distinct from masses, because masses are more like "this much of 
> humanity lifted the piano" than "the team lifted the piano." I can 
> see cases where they draw close to each other, but I still think 
> they're distinct 

"lojbanmass = collective or substance" seems to fix everything, IMO.
