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Re: [jboske] gadri paradigm: 2 excellent proposals

la and cusku di'e

So here is what xorxes and I agree on:

set:         lu'iro   lu'ile   lu'ila    (=lo'i/le'i/la'i)
quantified:  PA(ro)   PAle     PAla
substance:   lu'oiro  lu'oile  lu'oila
collective:  lu'oro   lu'ole   lu'ola    (=(piro)loi/lei/lai)
'unique':    lu'airo  lu'aile  lu'aila

[Minor correction: PA(ro) should have been PA(lo), or just PA.]

I propose, as the solution that would allow the greatest
economy in usage conditioned only by considerations of
meaning, that bare lo/le/la should be interpreted as if
preceded by lu'oiro.
That would then give the following table of shortest forms:

set:         lo'i             le'i               la'i
quantified:  PA               PAle               PAla
substance:   lo               le                 la
collective:  loi              lei                lai
'unique':    lu'airo (~lo'e)  lu'airole (~ le'e) lu'aila

I like this very much!

The default inner PA for bare lo/le/la would be tu'o. An overt
PA would change the interpretation from substance:

quantified:  loPA  = su'oloPA  lePA = rolePA
substance:   lo(tu'o)          le(tu'o)

An indeterminable amount of prior usage would be invalidated,
but that is a small price to pay, because lo/le/la would at
last be assigned to a role where they would properly have highest

Very little with {le} would be invalidated because le almost
always is {le pa}. In fact, it may very well be that this validates
more currently wrong usage than it invalidates any currently correct

No new gadri would be required. And just 2 new LAhE would be

And they would hardly ever be used anyway, since {lu'aila} would
very rarely be preferrable to {la}, and the others all have
already existing short forms.

Excellent proposals, no doubt about it!

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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