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RE: [jboske] anaphora & glorking (was: RE: sane kau? (was: RE: Re:RE:Re:lo'edu'u

la and cusku di'e

> Do you want {lu'i lo'i broda} = {lo'i broda}?

I don't really care, so far. I hadn't seen a need for lu'i until
you pointed out that "lu'i su'o broda" can replace "lau'i broda".

I want lu'i lo'i broda to be the set that has lo'i broda as its
only member rather than the set that has the members of lo'i
broda as its members.

> Do you want the arguments of LAhE to always be sets, or do you
> want it to be irrelevant what gadri is inside other than
> the o/e/a distinction?

In one sense, there would be no other gadri but lo'i/le'i/la'i,
except as abbreviations.

But that doesn't really answer your question. I suppose my
current answer is that whatever the answer, it needs to be
consistent with reducing non-set gadri to LAhE+set gadri.

I don't see you can make these compatible:

1-    lu'o lo'i broda = loi broda
2-    lu'o ro lo broda = loi broda
3-    lu'o da poi selcmi be ro broda = loi broda

2 and 3 are incompatible. I want 2. You want 1 and 3.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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