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Re: [jboske] anaphora & glorking (was: RE: sane kau? (was: RE: Re:

la djan cusku di'e

> The problem with that is that "the three men" in the
> second part is not always a well defined set. Suppose you
> say "It is not the case that three men are inside
> the house. Two of the three men ..." Of which three men???

Fair enough, although stuff under negation is funky.  Perhaps part about
the two men is under the negation too?

That won't usually work. For example if the second sentence is
logically connected, the negation can't include it. And in any
case, it is not just negations but anything with scope. For
example: "Each of the five women talked about three men. Two
of the three men..." Of which three men, if there were up to
fifteen men talked about?

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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