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RE: [jboske] individuation and masses (was: RE: mass, group,

> la lojbab cusku di'e
> > >  In that sense, there can be said to be a
> > >class of brodas such that when you divide pa broda you end
> > >up with so'i broda, and other brodas for which you don't 
> >
> >John (and I) are arguing, I think, that this subdivision of brodas is a SW
> >restriction that is not necessary 
> Is the divison of brodas into "animals" and "non-animals" also
> a SW restriction? It is the same type of subdivision, purely
> dependent on the meanings of the predicates and no doubt with
> boundary non-clearcut cases 

The difference here, though, is that the non-animals can't be
seen as animals by adding a criterion of animalhood and the 
animals can be seen as non-animals by erasing a criterion of

> > >But that's like saying that there is a class of brodas
> > >such that when you melt lo broda you still have broda and
> > >other brodas for which you don't 
> >
> >If such classes of broda exist, then membership of a particular broda in a
> >class is something that can/must be asserted, and not necessarily
> >assumed.  Lojban supports Salvador Dali, and his flowing watches 
> We agree then. We don't want a special gadri for flowing broda,
> and we don't need a special gadri for substance broda. If we want
> to talk about flowing watches or watch substance we use selbri,
> not gadri 

How, then, do we talk about things that are "broda with the
addition of intrinsic boundaries" and "broda with the subtraction
of intrinsic boundaries"?
