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Re: [jboske] Heading for Western Islands

Nick Nicholas scripsit:

> Similarly I think right now that John 
> surely can't be right in claiming that transparent readings aren't 
> instantiated knowledge ("for some X, I know that X is a spy" is surely 
> "I know that Fred's a spy" and distinct from "I know that, for some X, 
> X is a spy").

I think that was a misunderstanding on someone's part.  I agree with this
description as far as it goes, I simply think it doesn't solve the whole
de dicto vs. de re problem.

> The proper solution is the same as I've said in my description of the 
> BPFK: a discussion board, like Web Crossing. Where all the content is 
> in the one place, and is threaded. Preferably with some hierarchical 
> structure of topics, and some way to flag posts as "this is gidva". 
> (And --- mandatorily --- some way of extracting the text of discussion 
> into archive readily.) That's jumping the gun on the Elephant, but it 
> will prove essential in the months ahead. I think this becomes BPFK 
> infrastructure (sponsored, if not always sanctioned), and will call for 
> someone to set it up. (Robin may balk at the idea of supporting jboske 
> in any way, so we may have to see who else has web space, or I may need 
> Board back up. We'll see.)


Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis vom dies! || John Cowan <jcowan@hidden.email>
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