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RE: [jboske] lo'e gadri: can we converge towards a resolution?

On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, And Rosta wrote:

> I have used lo'e and le'e for Unique, but I consider my usage to
> be exploratory, and in no wise canonical, and I don't care if it
> gets invalidated. I consider all Lojban text written to date to
> be intrinsically invalid, because it is written on the basis of
> such an incomplete language and such an incomplete understanding
> of it.

Two years ago I would have responded with hysterical flamery. Now, I
agree. When the Leading Lights remain in such fumbling disarray week after
week over such fundamental concepts, can Lojban be said to have produced
any emergent consciousness yet? .iseni'ibo .a'o da na'eca zo'onai jeba
.a'o veldrani le lojbo

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// ignore ();
// else
collect_data ();