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Re: [jboske] kau, take 2

Jorge Llambias scripsit:

> But everybody knows that. You don't need to know anything
> about the facts of the matter in order to know that, just
> some logic. The interesting thing is: "I know that someone
> did it or I know that noone did it", but you can't shove
> the "or" inside the subclause.

This doesn't depend on kau effects, though.  I know that either there is
life on Jupiter or there isn't, due to the uncontroversial nature of the
excluded-middle principle (at least when dealing with members of finite
sets).  But I do not know there is life on Jupiter, and I do not know there
isn't life on Jupiter.  This is not factivity, for I can replace "know"
by "believe" salva veritate.

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