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RE: [jboske] Re: "solomontean"

I understood that you meant "solomonic", but was curious about
the status of "solomontean". Shall we stick with "solomontean"?
Is it properly formed? That is, do Greek adjs in -eios
anglicize as -ean?


> Sorry, I got carried away; "solomonteios" is a Greek adjective for "of 
> or pertaining to Solomon". The proper English adjective is Solomonic, 
> alludic to the Solomonic judgement. The first Googling I found of 
> Solomon, judgement, and baby, gives me this from 
> http://www.shemayisrael.co.il/parsha/htorah/archives/miketz.htm:
> > The haftorah tells the well-known story of King Solomon's judgement in 
> > the case of two harlots who appeared before him. Both of the women had 
> > given birth to infants. One of the babies had died in the night, and 
> > each woman claimed that the living one was hers. Solomon ordered that 
> > the infant be cut in half. Upon hearing this, the true mother pleaded 
> > with him to give the baby to the other woman instead, while the other 
> > woman calmly accepted the verdict. This proved to everyone the 
> > identity of the true mother 
> A Solomonic judgement is unscrupulously fair --- and bound to 
> disappoint 
> ===
>   O Roeschen Roth! Der Mensch liegt in tiefster Noth! Der Mensch liegt in
>   tiefster Pein!  Je lieber moecht'  ich im Himmel sein!   ---  _Urlicht_
>          nickn@hidden.email            http://www.opoudjis.net
> Dr Nick NICHOLAS,  French & Italian,  Univ. of Melbourne, Australia
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