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Re: poi'i, se/te/ve ka (was Re: [jboske] sane kau?)

On Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 05:10:54PM -0500, Invent Yourself wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Invent Yourself wrote:
> > jaika provides us with an identity abstractor. {lo jaika ce'u xunre} is
> > one or more individual things that are red.
> It provides us with something, but not an identity abstraction. Where did
> we go wrong? I think that jaika = seka = poi'i, but I don't think any of
> these offer an identity abstraction any more than le gerku or lo gerku
> offers the identity of the dog.

I don't understand jai ka.

I think, however, that either se/te/ve/xe ka or poi'i both provide
identity abstractors.

This doesn't mean you can say
	mi djuno le seka gerku
	I know who was the dog.

You'd have to say
	mi djuno ledu'u makau du le seka gerku
	mi djuno ledu'u makau gerku
	mi djuno fi leseka gerku

Jordan DeLong - fracture@hidden.email
lu zo'o loi censa bakni cu terzba le zaltapla poi xagrai li'u
                                     sei la mark. tuen. cusku

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