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RE: [jboske] Re: lo'edu'u

> On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 11:23:47PM +1100, Nick Nicholas wrote:
> > Lojbanists, walking home tonight, I had an epiphany 
> > 
> > And is right on lo'edu'u. And I'm going to make this part of _Lojban 
> > for Intermediates_ one day 
> [...]
> > OK, what's the deal with this lo'e? It was a recent debate on jboske, 
> [...]
> > The answer to our question, of course, is lo'e merko cu nelci le 
> > kelcrbeisbolo : The American (the typical American) likes baseball 
> IMHO {lo'e merko cu nelci le kelcrbeisbolo} is false, and {le'e
> merko cu nelci le kelcrbeisbolo} is true 
> This story of {lo'e} isn't complete, because it doesn't explain
> {le'e} and seems to take over some of {le'e}'s territory 

It depends what "explain {le'e}" means. In earlier discussion I
explained how the meaning "stereotypical" was arrived at, but
argued that it was inconsistent with the regular relation between
o-gadri and e-gadri and that the meaning {le'e} should have is
clear but other than "stereotypical". I can dig out the message(s)
that discuss this, but if you take the view that the gloss
"stereotypical" is binding and nonnegotiable then there's no point,
though when the BF deliberates the matter I'd have to rehash
the arguments. (I don't mean to start an argument by saying that; 
it's just that I'm a bit busy to search my archives unless you
want me to.)

> The speaker is also about to say the du'u, so clearly has it in
> mind (which suggests that even if a generic article were needed,
> you should probably use le'e---but that depends on what the exact
> meaning of le'e is) 
> Same thing with ka.  du'u provides propositions, ka provides
> propositional functions.  For this reason I always use "le" with
> {du'u} and {ka} 

All gadri (apart from lV'i) are compatible with singletons such as
du'u/ka. That is, none of lo'e, le'e, loi, lei, lo, le (or other
experimental gadri) are truthconditionally incorrect.

This means that we can each use whichever gadri we prefer, though
ideally we will each have a rationale that others will think
reasonable. (I won't repeat my rationale for favouring lo'e (over
le & the rest), because I already forwarded the messages where I 
originally stated it.)
