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Re: [jboske] unresolved debates

la djorden cusku di'e

> capu'i == caca'a
> pupu'i == puca'a
> bapu'i == baca'a
> pu'i == ca'a

I don't the above follows from what djan says.  But:

capu'i == ca ka'e je pu ca'a
pupu'i == pu ka'e je pu pu ca'a
bapu'i == ba ka'e je ba pu ca'a

Well, he did a mix between that and what I had. The options
would seem to be:

capu'i == caca'a == "can and does"
pupu'i == puca'a == "could and did"
bapu'i == baca'a == "will be able to and will"


capu'i == caka'e je puca'a == "can and has"
pupu'i == puka'e je pupuca'a == "could and had"
bapu'i == baka'e je bapuka'e == "will be able to and will have"

In the first case, pu'i does not incorporate any tense info
but is equivalent to ca'a. In the second case, it does
incorporate tense info, but that is what John was supposedly

In fact, John said "can and has", "could and did" and "can
and will", wich don't quite match either system.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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