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RE: [lojban] Re: partial recantation in favour of solomonics

> And Rosta scripsit:
> > But actually I think you and me and xod agree. Provided we indicate
> > the world where unicorns exist, everybody's happy 
> Indeed.  But xod rejected that strategy, saying he preferred to remain
> in the real world.  And in the real world, "50% of unicorns are male"
> has indeterminate truth value 

But this is progress, if we can agree about ro and importingness and
the meaning of ro broda cu brode, and move on to discussion of what
exists in which world.

I will restate the argument in another message, but having pondered
the matter for a further day, I am surer that ro is importing, with
no significantly deleterious reoercussions on usage or our
intuitive understanding. 
