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RE: [jboske] The ugly head of ni

> <<
> every time I reply to a message from you I first have to edit it, 
> convert it to plain text,
> answer Yes when Outlook asks me whether I am really really sure I 
> want to lose all the 
> lovely html formatting, and then save it.
> >>
> Why do you *have to* do this?  Just space saving or can you really 
> not cope with html text?

I do it partly because html format replies are very messy and confusing
and partly because of the general principle of "do as you would be
done by".

I realize it's difficult to achieve autonomy over one's own computing;
I for instance am currently suffering from finding that my messages
are mysteriously taking two weeks to arrive and that line-final
fullstops are being deleted. The sense of impotent frustration is
