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Re: [jboske] putative tense scope effects (was: RE:

In a message dated 11/4/2002 11:53:44 PM Central Standard Time, xod@hidden.email writes:
This whole issue has seriously dampened my enthusiasm for Lojban!

Sorry to hear that; I hhope it is not drowned.

The CLL is
totally not clear on these issues which are actually crucial and
fundamental to Lojban. You logickers are simply able to translate your
knowledge over, and this all seems natural to you, but I've never learned
formal logic. Had it been made clear that it was a prerequisite, I would
Logic isn't essential (one prominent member, deeply involved in Lojban creation, just squeeked through logic and several others have no formal training at all -- even JCB's background scarcely went beyond first semester), but I think that catching up a bit is a prerequisite for getting involved in these discussions, since the background is assumed here.

I thought the relevancy of variable order inside prenexes was
restricted to sentences with prenexes and statements including da. Now,
four years on, I learn that there are secret das inside every lo and le,
such that sumti order totally affects the claim, and that tense sumtcita
location matters
I think the information is all there, but it may not be stressed enough to drive home its relevance.
In the sections on LE 6.6 -6.7 (128-130) deals with implicit quantifiers on various kinds of descriptions.
16.7 (398-9) explicitly deals with the scope problems with quantified descriptions (admittedly by reducing them to quantified variable cases -- but you claim not to have seen that move either). 16.11 (405-7) deals with moving {naku} and treats descriptions the same way as quantified variables.
And so on.