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Re: [jboske] RE: [lojban] djedi li integer

pycyn@hidden.email scripsit:

> Well, no.  By the allowal of decimal additions you have moved away from 
> integers into reals.  The languages of the various number systems are similar 
> but not the same, just as some of the numbers each involves are similar but 
> not the same.  In some contexts, integer 22 can do business for real 22.0r
> but they are different critters (natural 22 is something else again still). 

I don't agree.  Every natural number is an integer; every integer is a
real number.  22, 22.0, 22.00000... and 21.99999... are mere notational
differences.  In short, there is no identity predicate on numbers that
is finer than numeric equality.

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