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Invent Yourself scripsit: > Where does the book say that lo broda === da poi broda, that is, that lo > broda should be treated like it introduces a prenex variable? I would like > to hear John Cowan's views on this topic. I have no views on where the book says such a thing. Grep is your friend. As for my view on whether the claim is true, I think it is, and am amply on record as having thought so for a very long time. So are many other Lojbanists; in fact, I know of no one except Bob (and perhaps pc, but I have no way of being sure) who is on record to the contrary. -- My confusion is rapidly waxing John Cowan For XML Schema's too taxing: jcowan@hidden.email I'd use DTDs http://www.reutershealth.com If they had local trees -- http://www.ccil.org/~cowan I think I best switch to RELAX NG.