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la and cusku di'e
"need any box of a certain kind": {nitcu lo'ei cmima be lei'e klesi be lo'i tanxe}.
Also {nitcu lo'ei cmima be le'ei klesi be lo'i tanxe} should work as well. (And I don't see why {nitcu loi'e cmima} would not work just as well.)
Maybe you can even get away with: {nitcu lo'ei lu'a le'i tanxe} -- I think you can.
Not grammatical. But, if we accept that {lu'a} is {tu'o lu'a} them {nitcu lu'a le'i tanxe} will do. Or just {nitcu le'ei tanxe}.
"There is an apple of a certain kind that I ate": mi citka lo lu'a le'i plise
Not grammatical, but fixable to: mi citka su'o lu'a le'i plise Not really different from: {mi citka su'o le plise}, since "an apple of a certain kind" is just "one of certain apples". mu'o mi'e xorxes _________________________________________________________________Internet access plans that fit your lifestyle -- join MSN. http://resourcecenter.msn.com/access/plans/default.asp