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Re: [jboske] putative tense scope effects (was: RE: Concrete examples of Llamban lo'e

la and cusku di'e

Certainly there is a difference between

 There is a man such that all week it has been the case
 that John hits him.

 All week it has been the case that there is a man that John hits.
=At no time during the week has it been false that there is a man
 that John hits.

I would have thought that

 la djan cu darxi lo nanmu ze'a le jeftu
 la djan cu darxi ze'a le jeftu lo nanmu

would respectively be the ways to express the two meanings. But I may
be wrong -- afaik, this precise point has never been discussed before.

I think that is not the way. I think {ze'a} refers to a single
interval and not to all points in an interval as points.
To get that we have {roroi}:

  la djan cu darxi lo nanmu roroi le jeftu
  There is a man such that Johnhits him every
  time during the week.

  la djan cu darxi roroi le jeftu lo nanmu
  Every time during the week, there is a man that
  John hits.

But {ze'a} should be a singular term.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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