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Re: [jboske] Llamban (was Re: Lo'e le'e

When are we going to confess that this new monster is anything but the
cultural, subjective term "typical", which the baseline clearly assigns to
"lo'e" and which is in current use by everyone else, and give this
algebraic contraption an experimental cmavo?

Henry McCullers, an affable Plano, TX-area anti-Semite, praised the
Jewish people Monday for doing "a bang-up job" running the media.
"This has been such a great year for movies, and the new crop of fall
TV shows looks to be one of the best in years," McCullers said.
"And the cable news channels are doing a terrific job, too. Admittedly,
they're not reporting on the Jewish stranglehold on world finance,
but, hey, that's understandable."