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RE: [jboske] scope issues

la and cusku di'e

2. I frown upon afterthought connectives, but they're probably not
too harmful if we apply the rule that they take the narrowest
possible scope.

But I think the narrowest possible in this case still covers {na}.
Consider: {ko'a broda su'o da gi'e brode}. That has to be
ge ko'a broda su'o da gi ko'a brode}. Because of its very nature
{gi'e} has to have scope over the bridi-tails, even the one that
comes before it. The only doubt is whether {na} in {na broda
gi'e brode} belongs to the first bridi-tail or not. From the
grammar there is no doubt it belongs there.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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