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Re: [jboske] CAI (was: RE: more true (was: ka ka (was: Context Leapers))

And Rosta scripsit:

> So there never was a time when Lojban Central said "Here is the design,
> we invite your comments on it"? 

There never was a design per se.  When I walked in, there existed the
gismu list, the 10/88 cmavo list (which was not a mere list, but had
a paragraph or two per selma'o), and the YACC grammar.  My questions
were of the form "What is this for?" for the most part, and it took
me about 2 years to ask enough of those questions to make CLL possible.
In some places the descriptions were known to be defective (like tense and
MEX), and then I wrote up my own descriptions instead.  Eventually
the descriptions became general enough to constitute CLL.

John Cowan                                jcowan@hidden.email
At times of peril or dubitation,          http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
Perform swift circular ambulation,        http://www.reutershealth.com
With loud and high-pitched ululation.