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In a message dated 10/6/2002 3:39:19 PM Central Daylight Time, jjllambias@hidden.email writes: << > le du'u le xirma cu bajra cu mutce le ka ce'u jetnu >> Strictly, it is a function that creates a new predicate whose truth curve is systematically related to the truth curve for the base predicate. As a truth curve is about a proposition a a whole, not some part of it, so not about the selbri nor the sumti but how true it is that this sumti fits this selbri. I am not sure what you mean by a function *about* the runner or the running, these are about the whole proposition. Now, it may be that {ni} is more about the running -- but it is the least clear of the factors here (to me anyhow -- and no one has come foreward to offer clarification, under that name at least). But in any case, I don't see your point since it seems to be aimed at something ({le bajra cu mutce}) which no one has proposed as an example of anything. (I suppose {ko'a mutce le ka bajra} can be worked back to this eventually, though not, I think, as an equivalence -- which means that the suggested explanation for {bajra mutce} is wrong, either completely or partially). << What would you say is the relationship between {piso'iva'e} and {mutce}, if any? Does {so'iva'e} make any sense? >> Not that I know of yet. "a scalar many" doesn't mean much to me -- especially if I don't have a scale or a clue what it is a scale for. In any case, it seems to be doing something different from {mutce}, whose role is fairly clear to me: it gives a new truth curve. {so'iva'e} looks at best like a value on a scale, not the correlation of a scale to something else nor the characteristic of the scale. Thus, if anything, it looks more like a comment ("by the way, this sentence is fairly high up the range of truth values" or some such) than a function, though it might be a quantity of an event. |