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Re: [jboske] McCawley on existential import

la pycyn cusku di'e

> From importing {ro broda cu brode}
> -> non importing {ganai da broda gi ro broda cu brode}
> From non-importing {ro broda cu brode}
> -> importing {ge da broda gi ro broda cu brode}
> >>
> Where, I assume, contrary to the claim, the free floating {da} is importing.  Try again.
The "free floating" {da} is {su'o da}. I take {su'o} to be importing, of course. It is {ro}
that I take to be non-importing.

> <<
> The inelegance of importing for me comes from not being able to
> infer {ro broda cu brode} = {no broda naku brode} =
> {naku su'o broda naku brode} = {naku me'iro broda cu brode}.
> >>
> Explain to me again why these don't go through just fine?
Because {ro broda cu brode} is not {naku su'o broda naku brode} for importing
{ro} and {su'o}.

>  Since the four relationships work just fine for the importing quantifiers, there is no loss
> there.  And since we can get the non-importing version out when needed, even that is not
> lost.  whereas the non-importing sort loses all the importing inferences -- the ones we
> generally use.

I'm afraid I'm lost. This is how I want it:
ro broda cu brode = ro da zo'u ganai da broda gi da brode
no broda cu brode = no da zo'u ge da broda gi da brode
su'o broda cu brode = su'o da zo'u ge da broda gi da brode
me'iro broda cu brode = me'iro da zo'u ganai da broda gi da brode
This is how I assume you would have it:
ro broda cu brode = ge su'o de broda gi ro da zo'u ganai da broda gi da brode
no broda cu brode = no da zo'u ge da broda gi da brode
su'o broda cu brode = su'o da zo'u ge da broda gi da brode
me'iro broda cu brode = ge su'o de broda gi me'iro da zo'u ganai da broda gi da brode
The four relationships work for my system, but not for yours. Any of the two
systems can be derived from the other when needed, so I don't see where the
screw up is.
mu'o mi'e xorxes