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Re: [engelang] Xorban: Properties

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Jorge Llambías <jjllambias@hidden.email> wrote: 

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Mike S. <maikxlx@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am not sure we *need* this right at the moment, but it seems somewhat doubtful to me that we will find a better use for fV + kV. (It's interesting that this was already proposed once earlier, but the first proposal evolved into X xV.)

I agree, not really needed, but there doesn't seem to be any better
use for that.

co ma'a xrxe

If we wished to use this, I would reorder the argument places of "ckj" and allow it to take a variable number of arguments.  Then we could say things like:

la fake glre li fgri ckjaki.
"The property of hotness characterizes the fire."
la fakeki prmeki le qdjanqe li qalisqi ckjakeki.
"The relation of love characterizes {John, Alice}."

la fakeki prmeki ckjaka'ake'e.
"The relation of love characterizes {me, you}."

That seems good.  I don't think it will see a ton of use, but at least we have a reasonably straightforward way of handling higher-order predicate logic.  There is nothing really stopping us from applying this predicate to "zero-arity relations" too:

la fa glro'e ckja.
"The situation in which something is hot obtains/happens."

Instead of "ckj", we might have used "jetnu" and added the needed arguments.  However, jtn has an argument place for metaphysics or something.  I'm not sure that we shouldn't scrap "jtn" and replace it with "ckj" as the default truth-predicate. These translations seem the same as above:

la fa glro'e ckja.
"The situation in which something is hot is true."
"It's true that something is hot."

la fake glre li fgri ckjaki.
"The property of hotness makes a true proposition when applied to the fire."
"Being hot is true for fire".

I also think "bridi" can also be absorbed; that would be just a fV ckj-, would it not?

la fake glre li fgri ckjaki.
"Hotness is predicated to fire."
la fakeki prmeki le qdjanqe li qalisqi ckjakeki.
"The relation of love is predicated to {John, Alice}."

la zu «la fgra glra» zuka le fe la fake glre li fgri ckjaki snxake.
"The text 'the fire is hot' signifies the predication of hotness to fire. 

It won't be long before Xorban is its own meta-language. 

There is also "fsn" but following a suggestion of Selpa'i I had already earmarked that to have an x2 for anything involved in an event (subevents, relations, entities).  So you can say things like

la li ckti fsnaki plkaka'a.
"The situation involving the book is pleasant to me".

I think that cjk can absorb brd and jtn, and fsn given an expanded meaning.

co ma'a mke

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