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Re: [engelang] Re: New member

Leonardo scripsit:

> I'm a young Professor of Physics at the University of Bras�lia. My
> research field is  the Monte Carlo simulation of ferrofluids, but I'm
> interested in the new field of computer simulation of language families
> (although the two heads of my research group don't want me to spend
> time on it). If you are interested in it and have never heard about,
> follow the link above:
> http://arxiv.org/abs/0709.0868

Welcome to the group, and I look forward to reading your paper, probably
next week.

> My name is "Leonardo Luiz e Castro", I was born in November 1980 in the
> Brazilian state of Goi�s, I'm married and I have a baby daughter. I'm
> neither White nor Black nor Amerindian. Or maybe I'm all of them.

Tipico brasileiro!

How they ever reached any  conclusion at all    <cowan@hidden.email>
is starkly unknowable to the human mind.        http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
        --"Backstage Lensman", Randall Garrett