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Re: [engelang] Xorban experimental tense markers

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 4:38 AM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:

Obviously these are predicates getting given unary operator form for abbreviatory purposes. My first thought is there's no reason to privilege tense in this way. Better to have a more generalized system for creating operators from predicates. Or else have no operators.

,, And.

As a general observation, just formulas represent predicates.  Non-formulas, including things that take exactly one formula as a complement, do not represent predicates.  They represent functions from predicates to predicates.  We already have a generalized system for creating operators from predicates; that's exactly what binary operators do. 

As far as the reason I created tense operators, they're just purely experimental while we work out how to handle worlds and situations.  If there are more appropriate ways of handling tense (and there may well be)  then I am sure that they will come out in the wash.

co ma'a mke

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