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Re: [engelang] Xorban Development

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Jorge Llambías <jjllambias@hidden.email> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:03 PM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:
> I'd like to see some examples of l- differing from s-, tho. I can't think
> of any.

"sa mlta xkra" leaves open the possibility of "sa mlta na xkra", with
the same context and all else being equal. "la mlta xkra" and "la mlta
na xkra" are contradictory, unless you assume a differentiating
context for each.

That's interesting.  Is that how

je la grka xkra la grka blba

... works?  A differentiating context in each complement of je?  I assume that

la grka je xkra blba

... only works with a Lojbanesque joi-reading.   We have no choice but to say "najo"* with:

la grka na jo nkna fetsa

Do you know any sources where these l-things been given a formal description?  It would be interesting to see some sort of list of their properties.

*By the way, has the time come to boldly declare "jo" Xorban's exclusive-or operator?