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Re: [engelang] Xorban Development

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 10:28 PM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:
> Jorge Llambías, On 28/08/2012 01:30:
> >
> > la xkra le mlte ltake
> > Black ones of cats are a large proportion.
> I'd rather be able to do without the vagueness of l, so instead have
> qa mlta qe xkre ltake
> "A large proportion of everything with the property of cathood has the
> property of being black"

I wonder if there is any distinction in the meanings of l- and q-,
besides their glosses?

> Alternatively, if qnt is quantifier and nmlt is "large proportion":
> lo nmltoqa mlta qe xkre qntokake

Couldn't that be:

qo nmlto qa mlta qe xkre qntokake


lo nmlto la mlta le xkre qntokake


> > What scope do you propose for an implicit s/z binding?
> Minimal.
> > If it's minimal scope, then a single reserved variable should
> > suffice,
> suffice for what?

For use. I mean you could use the same variable every time, since you
couldn't use it correferentially in two predicates anyway "je bra cra"
= je [(za) bra] [(za) cra], with independent variables.

The only time you could use it correferentially is within the same
predicate "craka" = "(za) craka", but then having two or three
reserved variables for implicit minimal scope s/z-binding should be

mu'o mi'e xorxes