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Jorge Llamb�as, On 30/08/2012 23:02:
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:03 PM, And Rosta<and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:I'd like to see some examples of l- differing from s-, tho. I can't think of any."sa mlta xkra" leaves open the possibility of "sa mlta na xkra", with the same context and all else being equal. "la mlta xkra" and "la mlta na xkra" are contradictory, unless you assume a differentiating context for each.
Okay. Jorge Llamb�as, On 29/08/2012 02:16:
On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 10:28 PM, And Rosta<and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:Jorge Llamb�as, On 28/08/2012 01:30:la xkra le mlte ltake Black ones of cats are a large proportion.I'd rather be able to do without the vagueness of l, so instead have qa mlta qe xkre ltake "A large proportion of everything with the property of cathood has the property of being black"I wonder if there is any distinction in the meanings of l- and q-, besides their glosses?
"I remember being shot" lifri-morji, celgunta "qa clgnteka lfrmrja'aka" "I remembered to thank her" zukte-morji, cusku-ckire "qa cskckrakiku zktmrja'aka" But I suppose these could be "I remember being shot" "la clgnteka lfrmrja'aka" "I remember being the one that is shot" "I remembered to thank her" "la cskckrake'iku zktmrja'aka" "I remembered to be the one to thank her" You could in principle get a l/q contrast in "They discussed (the property of) being canine" "qa grka csna'ika" "They discussed the dog" "la grka csna'ika" Instead of "qa grka", maybe you could have "li smi la grka ckjika csna'ika" Where "li smi la grka ckjika" is "the property of being canine". --And.