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Mike S., On 28/08/2012 02:33:
> Glossing over the quotatives for a moment, that would make {laFine. I thought that by saying "Y (is known as X to) Z" you were intending that the suffixes should by VkV always. I agree a plain V suffix is warranted for brevity. I also think my suggestion was independently poor because it wouldn't allow for the quoted string to contain /q/.
> "djan"a} mean (in Lojban) {zo .djan.} instead of {la .djan.}. To get
> {la .djan.} you'd need {la "djan"ako'e}. Surely the latter, which
> we'll need much more often, should have the shorter form.*
> The need for referencing the name is less urgent than in Lojban,I'm not sure it's worth it. Ambiguity over whether the last vowel was included would occur only with /@/, and that ambiguity is livable with.
> because people can say {"djan"a'a} ="I am John" or {la prmaka'a
> "djani"a'aka}="I am 'Johnny' to my friends." Of course we do need to
> reference the name. How about:
> CV1+ X + q = "x"(y, z) which means "Y (is known as X ending in vowel to) Z
> CV2+ X + q = "x"(y, z) which means "Y (is known as X ending in cons. to) Z
> CV3+ X + q = "x"(y) which means "Y (is the name X ending in vowel)Probably better to go for a method that allows q to occur within quotes. I.e. a zoi-ish system.
> CV4+ X + q = "x"(y) which means "Y (is the name X ending in cons.)
> *Moreover, I think that all elided trailing variables are implicitlyI'm not too happy with that. First of all, it requires a rule that multiple unbound o'e are independently bound, i.e. o'eko'e is not reflexive, and I'm not sure such a rule would be desirable.
> "o'e",
Second, it overprivileges the ordinal priority of suffixes, and creates competing imperatives for ordinal priority -- is ordering done by semantic role or by frequency of being o'e-bound and hence elidable?
Rather, each stem should have its definition relative to its number of arguments. PtkV and PtkVkV are different predicates, tho it may be that PtkV happens to be defined as an abbreviation of PtkVkV.