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Brett Williams, On 03/08/2012 18:22:
There are less cumbersome alternatives to this root-doubling method.
> Hmm, this is an interesting thread. I think there's room for lots of
> loglangs! I wish we would explore more of the possibilities.
> The loglang I'm working on is presently named "Babebabo"! Its
> segmentation and basic level of parsing is all in the vowels, it uses
> five:
> A: Continues a root, so just "b" is a very short root, and then "bab"
> is another root, or "t" is another very short root, and also "bat"
> "tat" "tab" "batatatatab" "batabatababababababat" etc are all distinct
> roots infinitely. So there's plenty of room for roots, though of
> course there's advantages to being short.
> E: Combines roots into compounds, so the root "t" plus the root "b"
> makes the compound "teb", or the root "batatatatab" plus the root "t"
> makes the compound "batatatatabet", or "bab" plus "tat" plus "bat"
> makes "babetatebat".
> I/U: Together a root+i and a root+u form a pair of parentheses.
> Inside them can be nothing, or one or more more such pairs. So for
> instance: "babi babu" (babi babu) or "babi babi babu babu" (babi (babi
> babu) babu) or "babebabi babi babu babi babu babebabu" (babebabi (babi
> babu) (babi babu) babebabu) or "babi babebabi babi babu babebabu babi
> babu babu" (babi (babebabi (babi babu) babebabu) (babi babu) babu)
> O: Just a shortcut-- if there's nothing inside of an I/U pair,
> instead of saying the word twice it can be shortened to just root+o
> once, so "babi babu" becomes just "babo" and "batabatabababababababati
> batabatabababababababatu" becomes just "batabatabababababato"!
The thread beginning with <http://listserv.brown.edu/archives/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0905b&L=conlang&F=&S=&P=4004> discovered that given a binary tree, a four-way inflectional contrast on terminal nodes is sufficient to yield an unambiguous parse.
So for example if you were prepared to add a sixth vowel, Y, you could use I,U,O,Y as bracketing markers. (I'd use I,E,U,O for bracketing, and Y for the compounder.) -- This presupposes the trees are binary branching, tho.
My conlang, Livagian, is (nowadays) strictly left-binary-branching, except for quasi metalinguistic stuff like quotatives. So its syntax is so tediously simple as to be virtually nonexistent.