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On 8/25/07, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote: > --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Jim Henry" <jimhenry1973@...> wrote: > > I like the idea of having an open set of attitudinals. Have you thought > > about having a similar open set of evidential adverbs? > Could you elaborate on what 'evidential adverb' means? I'm guessing that what I'm > calling attitudinals would actually include that category. Evidentiality is a category by which the speaker's source of evidence for his assertion is expressed. The closely related category of validationality expresses whether and to what degree he's certain of what he's saying. If you used e.g. "fe" as your evidentiality suffix, then you might have xawfe, da pa dorm. He was sleeping (I saw him). tiqfe, da pa dorm. He was sleeping (I heard him snoring). bolfe, da pa dorm. He was sleeping (Someone told me). -- Jim Henry http://www.pobox.com/~jimhenry