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Re: Attitudinals

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Jim Henry" <jimhenry1973@...> wrote:
> On 8/24/07, Rex May <rmay@...> wrote:
> > I'm thinking of a concept called 'free attitudinals,' somewhat parenthetical words that
> > express the speaker's attitude towards the whole utterance.  Loglan has them, but 
> > grammar words, and limited.  I'm thinking of using -xe at the ending, and they'd work 
> > this:
> >
> > da hawtalixe pa tari dasa bani.
> > he lucky-xe found his money.
> >
> > Not meaning that he was lucky in finding his money, but that it's a lucky thing for the
> > speaker that this happened. Maybe not lucky -for- the speaker, but lucky in the 
> > judgment.
> I like the idea of having an open set of attitudinals.  Have you thought
> about having a similar open set of evidential adverbs?

Could you elaborate on what 'evidential adverb' means?  I'm guessing that what I'm
calling attitudinals would actually include that category.

klarxe da pa dorm.
Clearly, he was asleep.

bubevervalxe, da dormstoy.
Unbelievably, he woke up.