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Re: [ceqli] Attitudinals

On 8/24/07, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> I'm thinking of a concept called 'free attitudinals,' somewhat parenthetical words that
> express the speaker's attitude towards the whole utterance.  Loglan has them, but they're
> grammar words, and limited.  I'm thinking of using -xe at the ending, and they'd work like
> this:
> da hawtalixe pa tari dasa bani.
> he lucky-xe found his money.
> Not meaning that he was lucky in finding his money, but that it's a lucky thing for the
> speaker that this happened. Maybe not lucky -for- the speaker, but lucky in the speaker's
> judgment.

I like the idea of having an open set of attitudinals.  Have you thought
about having a similar open set of evidential adverbs?

Jim Henry