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I'm thinking of a concept called 'free attitudinals,' somewhat parenthetical words that 
express the speaker's attitude towards the whole utterance.  Loglan has them, but they're 
grammar words, and limited.  I'm thinking of using -xe at the ending, and they'd work like 

da hawtalixe pa tari dasa bani.
he lucky-xe found his money.

Not meaning that he was lucky in finding his money, but that it's a lucky thing for the 
speaker that this happened. Maybe not lucky -for- the speaker, but lucky in the speaker's 
judgment. I figure the -xe form can appear anywhere in the sentence or right before or 
after it.  I see these possibilities:

xurxe - surely
straqxe - strangely
gnawxe - exactly
jiqxe - surprisingly
varnixe - expectedly

Up to now, we've only used ke formations:

haw ke da pa tari dasa bani.    It's good that he found his money.

And when you get into truth tables and such, that sentence isn't actually saying that he 
found his money, just that  it's a good thing that he did.  (Loglan people, help me out 
here.)  But:

hawxe do pa tari dasa bani.

Would be  "He found his money.  Good."  or "Good, he found his money."