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Re: [ceqli] Number

In a message dated 8/25/2007 10:47:04 AM Central Daylight Time, rmay@hidden.email writes:

Now, does this mean Ceqli needs a mass-of-all article, like Loglan `lo,' or will kul do?

zepufay kul ze kanin kom karn.
most dogs eat meat.

We have these articles now:

ta - indefinite article
te - not really an article, just means the following thing acts as a noun.
ti - proper name marker
to - the

So do we need `tu'?  the mass of all dogs?  It has the advantage of suggesting the French

pise tu kanin ten dira har.
A few (of the mass of all) dogs have short hair.

vo kul tu kanin bwa xir.
almost all (of the mass of all) dogs drink milk.

tu also seems natural to use in general statements.

tu kanin bi karnkomdi.
Dogs are carnivores.

guan pufay tu jin bi jini.
Approximately half of people are women.

bu ke su tu jin fey kan.
Not enough people can read.

Any thoughts or comments?  Especially from Log/Loj experts?

I think "tu" as a generic marker would be a good idea.  This would fill out the definite/indefinite/generic trio.  
