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Re: [ceqli] Digest Number 119

on 3/8/03 1:08 PM, Rob Speer at rspeer@hidden.email wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 10:18:15AM -0700, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
>>> somdiq ? Some thing, something: somda - some (pron.);
>>> henidiq ?  Any thing (noun): henida - any (pronoun);
>> Not sure about these two.  Feedback?
> That meaning of "som" is idiomatic to English, and wouldn't be at all
> useful except next to "diq". "ta diq" already means that.

You are right.  "Ta" covers this base.
> I'm not sure about "heni". There are places where you have to say
> "anything" instead of "something" in English for no real reason (like "I
> can't see anything"), but there are also times when you can use both and
> "anything" emphasizes that it doesn't matter what it is. I suppose that
> as long as it's only used in the second case, "heni" would be good.

Anybody know any tricks from other languages for this usage?

>>> zoydiq  ?  No thing (noun): zoyda - none (pronoun);
>> Either this or just buda, budiq, bujin
>> feedback?
> Whatever the word for "zero" is should serve this purpose.

And that is indeed 'zoy.'  Agreed.
>>> kuldiq ? all things, every thing: kulda - all (prn.);
>>> gerdiq ? other thing, another (n.): gerda - (an)other;
>>> gaqdiq ? the thing just mentioned: gaqda - that ref.
>> The more I think about it, the less I like gaq.  How about reserving "co"
>> for the 'abstract' position word meaning "the just-mentioned position", so
>> coda would replace gaqda.  That leaves us with "ce".  Could that mean "the
>> about-to-be-mentioned position"?  "Ciq tiq ceda!" would mean "listen up!"
> I like that.
Good.  Me too.  Probably should be "Dwa tiq ceda!" for such a brusque order.

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
> Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm
> Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm
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